Conservation Commission 12-27-2022


Town of Brewster PublicMeeting Format and Conservation Commission Meeting Dates & Deadlines updates. 00:00:54

 279 Crocker Road 00:03:05

The 297 Crocker Road R.T. Unpermitted cutting in buffer zone.

290 Foster Road 00:05:05

Kargman. Request to waive annual beach renourishment for one year and address existing conditions observed on site.

RDA - 785 Main Street (DrummerBoy Park) 00:10:00

Brewster Department of Public Works requests determination as to whether the area - buffer zone to inland resources, and the work - removal and replacement of play ground structure, removal of drainage pipe, and introduction pervious surfacing - are subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and jurisdiction of the BWP Bylaw.

RDA - 73 Hamilton Cartway 00:20:35

Christoph Reinhart requests determination as to whether the area - buffer zone to inland resources, and thework - replacement of a porch and roof deck - are subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and jurisdiction of the BWP Bylaw.

RDA - 351 Point of Rocks Road 00:24:00

Custom Construction Services requests determination as to whether the area - buffer zone to coastal resources, and the work - replacement of an existing septic system - are subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and jurisdiction of the BWP Bylaw.

NOI - 35 Captain Dunbar Road 00:26:40

Louise Wilson proposes the installation of a fence enclosure, generator and a post-supported storage box, as well as sand nourishment on and within coastal resources.

NOI - 56 Underpass Road 01:02:09

Continued Public Hearing. Brewster Veterinary Hospital proposes to remodel and expand the existing veterinary hospital and parking area, install stormwater improvements and restore native vegetation within 50 and 100 feet of inland wetlands.

NOI - 19 Muskrat Lane 01:03:21

Continued Public Hearing. 19 Muskrat Lane LLC, proposes an after-the-fact dune restoration plan on and within 50 and 100 feet of in land and coastal resources.

Request for Certificate of Compliance - 0 Holly Avenue 01:03:53

Robinwood Homeowner’s Association, Owl Pond Beach Access.

Show Cause Hearings - 19 Muskrat Lane 01:06:29

Continued - 19 Muskrat Lane LLC, c/o Walter Harris. Unpermitted cutting and clearing of vegetation on and within 50 feet of wetlands without a valid permit.

Show Cause Hearing - 2628 Main Street 01:07:53

Continued - Brown. Unpermitted cutting and clearing of vegetation within 25 feet of inland wetlands as well as the placement of fill on and within 100 feet of inland wetlands.

Show Cause Hearing - 330 Main Street 01:20:22

Continued – Karam. Unpermitted construction of addition, retaining walls and patios, vegetation clearing within 50 and 100feet of inland wetlands.

Minor Change - 237 Crocker Lane 01:21:15

Philip and Amanda Davies requests to not remove the existing dwelling and to renovate on existing foundation: to include the elimination of three additions, one porch, and one second story deck extension; conversion of patio to outdoor shower; inclusion of an entrance patio with a cantelievered roof, a covered veranda with wood decking on second floor, and a cantelievered wood deck on second floor.

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