101 Tubman Road, 47-28 (24-37). SE9-1948. Alexa Hope. Commission to discuss and finalize Order of Conditions. Bill Grafton & Commissioners
216 Mitchell Lane, 115-49 (11-1-5). Continued Public Hearing. Stephen and Sarah Barkhuff propose the construction of a stairway and a foot path as well as vegetation management and vista pruning within land subject to coastal storm flowage, riverfront, isolated vegetated wetland, and buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetland, isolated vegetated wetland, land subject to coastal storm flowage, inland bank, and salt marsh.
56 Underpass Road, 78-116 (26-6) SE9-1940. Continued Public Hearing. Brewster Veterinary Hospital proposes to remodel and expand the existing veterinary hospital and parking area, install stormwater improvements and restore native vegetation within 50 and 100 feet of inland wetlands.
b. 38 Captain Baker Road, SE9-1154. 72-19 (41-65). George and Karen Oliver, construction of dock. c. 38 Captain Baker Road, SE9-1198. 72-19 (41-65). George and Karen Oliver, elevated stairway. d. 38 Captain Baker Road, SE9-1235. 72-19 (41-65). George and Karen Oliver, construction of dwelling and retaining wall.
2628 Main Street, 78-14 (15-113-2). Continued - Brown. Unpermitted cutting and clearing of vegetation within 25 feet of inland wetlands as well as the placement of fill on and within 100 feet of inland wetlands.
330 Main Street, 15-20 (21-30-19), Continued – Karam. Unpermitted construction of addition, retaining walls and patios, vegetation clearing within 50 and 100 feet of inland wetlands.
203 Leland Road, #23-06. 33-5 (36-119). Daniel Stevens, hazard tree in buffer zone.