Conservation Commission 1-23-2024


Brewster Park Club Association. SE9-1675 (16 Sunhouse Path 50-37), SE9-1676 (1 Carver Road 50-33), SE9-1677 (0 Sunhouse Path 50-NA) and SE9-1678 (17 Sunhouse Path 50-38). Extension Order of Conditions Request. 00:01:07

257 Crocker Lane, 69-4. SE9-1591. $2,000 bond – Jane Fields 00:42:04

Request for Extension of Orders of Conditions 00:51:15

a. 41 Saints Landing, 50-3. 41 Saints LLC. AOOC SE9-1680. b. 50 Robbins Road, 50-2. Hayes. AOOC SE9-1679. c. 53 Robbins Road, 50-1. Hayes. AOOC SE9-1683. d. 192 Robbins Hill Road, 49-79. Pyles. AOOC SE9-1684. e. 194 Robbins Hill Road, 49-78. Berkman. AOOC SE9-1682. f. 196 Robbins Hill Road, 49-77. Salo. AOOC SE9-1681.

Request for Extension of Order of Conditions: G-I 00:55:48

g. 785 Main Street/Drummer Boy Park, 26-27. TOB. SE9-1839 h. Crosby Landing, 115-7 115-8 115-9 & 115-11. TOB. SE9-1725. i. Walkers Pond, 10-NA. TOB. SE9-1724.

83 Dune Road, 79-35. Whitcher. Continued Public Hearing. Whitcher. SE9-1960. 00:56:33

168 Highland Moors Drive, 115-38. Masi. Continued Public Hearing. SE9-1961. Continued to 2/27. 00:57:20

351 Point of Rocks Road. 79-23. Sheff. Continued Public Hearing. AOOC SE9-1714. Continued to 2/13. 00:57:39

336 Robbins Hill Road. 38-77. Lee. Continued Public Hearing. SE9-1964. Continued to 2/13. 00:58:02

257 Crocker Lane, 69-4. Fields. SE9-1763. 00:58:20

261 Linnell Landing Road, 103-13. Linger Longer by the Sea. SE9-1124. 00:59:29

Discuss January & February Coastal Stabilization Work Meeting Time and Dates. 01:00:34

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